About the workshop:
Sharavathi valley in Karnataka can rightly be termed the “melting pot of discoveries” made in the field of biology. This worshop will take place right within the Sharavathi Valley.
The verdant, green, wet forests of the Ghats has come to represent a force that keeps our life ticking! This is not a new found knowledge but in some sense reflects the intimate understanding of these “emerald jungles” borrowed from yore. Visual art-form, especially photography, depicting the magnanimity and beauty of these rain forests has captivated the minds of researchers and toddlers alike!
A unique element of this workshop is to weave together “Art of science” & “Science of art” in a seamless manner using photography as a tool! The Ghats are known for its biodiversity. The challenges in photographing this diversity requires an assortment of tools and techniques but the most important aspect of it is to define the purpose of the enterprise. This workshop will cover basic concepts of photography and focus on advanced macro photography techniques. Informal “circle time” events will be used to discuss challenges in the area of conservation / photography topics (photographing birds and frogs).
To help us realize the mission of our workshop, we have Dr. K. V. Gururaja, A renowned amphibian expert and Srikanth Kashyap S., a professional conservation photographer, power systems & embedded systems expert.
What do we get to photograph:
Meandering streams, rain in its grandeur, insects in their habitat, frogs by night, majestic trees, seemingly insignificant lichens, fungi and should we say, sky is not the limit! One needs to remember that there is an element of surprise / luck favouring us or otherwise in nature. There is no substitute to patience and hard work in photography...
Event Details:
Day – 1:
06:00 – 10:00 - Check-in & acclimitization
10:00 – 10:15 - Introduction to workshop – “Structure & Schedule”, “How to enjoy & Stay safe” - setting expectations
10:20 – 10:50 - A glimpse in to biodiversity – special focus on Amphibians & Citizen Science
10:55 – 11:30 - Photography – Intro
Basics - Familiarizing with equipment and equipment care – knowing dslr and general care
11:30 – 11:45 - Tea / Coffee break
11:45 – 12:30 - Photography – Intro - Basics of photography
a. Composition
b. Modes of shooting (Apperture priority, shutter priority, manual, etc)
c. Focussing points ++
d. Exposure compensation
12:40 – 13:30 - Photography – Rainforest forest photography – special focus on macro photography
a. Macro photography – equipments – in detail – tripod and heads, plamps and pods, cables and controls!
b. Macro photography – Field craft – composition, controlling DOF, Natual light exposure
c. Macro photography – Field craft – Flash light exposure, experiment with lights
d. Extension tubes & tele converters
13:30 – 14:30 - Lunch break
14:30 – 16:30 – Field session
16:30 – 17:30 – Informal review of images and over a cup of TEA / COFFEE
18:00 – 20:00 – Head out to capture nocturnal beauties of rainforest:)
20:30 – 22:00 – Dinner & Circle time
Day – 2:
06:00 - 08:00 - Early morning bird photography
08:30 – 09:30 – Breakfast & review of images
10:00 - 13:00 - Out in the field
13:30 – 14:30 - Lunch break
14:30 – 15:30 – Review of images captured
16:00 – 17:00 – Review of images captured, Feedback and Wrap-up.
Place: Mavinagundi - Jog, Sharavathi Valley, Karnataka.
Important Dates:
- Application deadline: 15th June 2015
- Workshop Dates: 20th - 21st June 2015
Charges: Rs. 12,000 per participant. Charges include workshop fees, food and refreshments on both days, and shared accommodation for 2 days. Transportation has to be borne by the participant at least up to Talagupapa/Jog. There is a railway station at Talaguppa. A detailed itinerary would be mailed to registered participants over mail.
Student Discount of Rs. 2000 available. Please contact courses@gubbilabs.in
Registration: Interested participants are encouraged to register. For more details, please contact: courses@gubbilabs.in