A fair approach to sharing earth observation training datasets in India

Output and Next Steps — Panel discussion on “Study report on EO training data landscape in India”
Stop the Transmission, Crush the Pandemic.
In May 2021, the Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India came out with an advisory on steps required to be taken to prevent the spread of SARS-Cov-2 virus. The advisory highlights the important role well-ventilated spaces play in diluting the viral load of infected air in poorly ventilated houses, offices, etc.
Have your say in the formulation of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) 2020!
The Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India have initiated the formulation of a new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for 2020 (STIP 2020). This is the fifth such policy for India after the Science Policy Resolution 1958, Technology Policy Statement 1983, Science and Technology Policy 2003, and the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in 2013.
Magnify your curiosity through a Foldscope!
Chirpy mornings in concrete dwellings
Written by: Samyamee, Simran and Manoj
Karnataka’s rivers: The lifelines of South India
By Vignesh Kamath and H. S. Sudhira
The banks of the river Krishna, an iconic river in South India, is a sight to behold! As you gaze through its vastness, have you ever wondered how the river is, and since when it is flowing? Here is a trivia—the rivers that flow in Karnataka are, in fact, older than the mighty Himalayas!
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