The Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India have initiated the formulation of a new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for 2020 (STIP 2020). This is the fifth such policy for India after the Science Policy Resolution 1958, Technology Policy Statement 1983, Science and Technology Policy 2003, and the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in 2013. The formulation of STIP 2020 envisions a decentralised approach by making it bottom-up and inclusive process. Ultimately, the pursuit is towards the application of science, technology and innovation for the societal benefits. Four interconnected tracks are conceived that would aid in formulation of the STIP 2020.
Gubbi Labs is proud to partner with the Science Policy Forum (SPF) along with the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2020 (STIP 2020) Secretariat at the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India to drive the activities under Track I, which involves gathering inputs from various stakeholders including the public at large. For more details about STIP 2020, its four tracks, and what's happening under Track I, please read here.

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